辛辛那提艺术博物馆和克利夫兰艺术博物馆即将展出备受赞誉的”Shahzia Sikander: Collective Behavior”展览

Shahzia Sikander. Baggage Warrior
Shahzia Sikander. Baggage Warrior

两家俄亥俄州知名艺术博物馆将同时展出Shahzia Sikander的作品,展现这位艺术家对南亚艺术传统的现代诠释。

辛辛那提艺术博物馆(CAM)和克利夫兰艺术博物馆(CMA)将于2025年2月14日同时开展”Shahzia Sikander: Collective Behavior”展览。这次展览汇集了Sikander近35年来创作的近100件多媒体作品,全面呈现了艺术家的职业生涯。该展览此前作为第60届威尼斯双年展的平行展览在Palazzo Soranzo van Axel展出,获得了国际赞誉。

Empire Follows Art: States of Agitation 11, 2020. Shahzia Sikander (Pakistani American, b. 1969). Color digital printing, watercolor, and gouache on prepared wove paper; 40.6 x 30.5 cm. The Cleveland Museum of Art, Norman O. Stone and Ella A. Stone Memorial Fund, 2021.103. © Shahzia Sikander, courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly, New York / Los Angeles
Empire Follows Art: States of Agitation 11, 2020. Shahzia Sikander (Pakistani American, b. 1969). Color digital printing, watercolor, and gouache on prepared wove paper; 40.6 x 30.5 cm. The Cleveland Museum of Art, Norman O. Stone and Ella A. Stone Memorial Fund, 2021.103. © Shahzia Sikander, courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly, New York / Los Angeles


Sikander表示:”‘Collective Behavior’提出了经验、意识、种族和文化之间的亲缘关系。展览中的作品涉及许多我关心的主题,包括在不平等的权力关系和持续的殖民主义遗留问题中突出女性叙事。我采取全球女性主义视角,探讨性别和身体政治,审视艺术、宗教和社会中的女性形象和女性存在。”


辛辛那提艺术博物馆的展览将于2025年2月14日至5月4日在Western & Southern画廊(232和233号展厅)展出。克利夫兰艺术博物馆的展览将于2025年2月14日至6月8日在Julia and Larry Pollock焦点画廊(010号展厅)展出。

The Illustrated Page Series #1, 2005–2006. Shahzia Sikander (Pakistani American, b. 1969). Opaque watercolor hand painting, gold leaf, and silkscreen pigment on paper; 143.8 x 182.7 x 3.8 cm. Philadelphia Museum of Art, Purchased with the Marion Stroud Fund for Contemporary Art on Paper in honor of Innis Howe Shoemaker, 2006-138-1a, b. © Shahzia Sikander, courtesy of the artist and Sean Kelly, New York / Los Angeles. Photo: Philadelphia Museum of Art / Art Resource, NY
The Illustrated Page Series #1, 2005-2006. Made in collaboration with The Fabric Workshop and Museum, Philadelphia (founded 1977). Printed by Jean-Paul Russell and Ann Marshall at Durham Press, Durham, Pennsylvania. Opaque watercolor hand painting, gold leaf, and silkscreen pigment on paper (diptych). Dimensions: Overall: 56 5/8 × 71 15/16 × 1 1/2 inches (143.8 × 182.7 × 3.8 cm). Purchased with the Marion Stroud Fund for Contemporary Art on Paper in honor of Innis Howe Shoemaker, 2006 Accession Number: 2006-138-1a,b.


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